Price Calculator

Instantly calculate the price of your made-to-measure belt

You will be more independent

With this tool, you can find out the price of the belts your customers request, such as: Sleeves, Mini-belts, Narrow belts, Wide belts, etc. The calculator has a series of filters, such as type of backing, material to be sanded, mineral, etc. These will help you choose the right product. This calculator quickly assesses any belt size, offering you several product alternatives so that you can choose the option that suits you best. View the prices and quantity discounts that best suit your customer’s needs. And, if you wish, place your order with just one click.

Check the abrasive belt you need

You will be faster and more flexible


IF YOU KNOW MORE... (Not required)

Remember that to see the price list you need to be an e-lija distributor. Register here

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Impress your customers and sell more